battery-powered solutions for art, armageddon or burning man, whichever comes first

Over the years for burning man, festivals and campouts, I’ve spent a huge amount of time and resources experimenting with battery-powered solutions for lighting, camp-charging, and bike/small vehicle power. 

I’m here to share some tips and tricks that I’ve learned. Whether you’re planning to power an art installation, a bike, a festy wagon, or all your camp’s charging and lighting needs, I hope these tips can help you take your projects to the next level!

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making the inc. 5000 with slow, conscious growth

Monday, November 23, 2015 9:52 AM

making the inc. 5000 with slow, conscious growth

YES we made the inc. 5000! Yet somehow I feel like an impostor.

Flowtoys, with an 86% growth rate from 2012-2014, ranked 3626 in the Inc’s 2015 list of fastest-growing private companies in America. We are 168th in our industry, 523rd the State, 118th in our Metro Area. Really though, what do any of these stats mean?

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the joy of poi: creating content that tells us why

Wednesday, August 12, 2015 9:14 AM

the joy of poi: creating content that tells us why

This year I undertook a personal challenge to present poi as an activity that brings joy.

Why? Because it is true, and because there is power to that truth. Power in personal evolution, to bring people together, create new social and neural connections, power to heal and grow, and to bring pure and simple *joy*.

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