
hexagon base

hexagon base

The hexagon is the largest and most versatile kaizen base. All kaizen mounts can be installed onto the Hexagon, with some mounts being able to stack above another. Adding a power bin takes your prop-holding capacity to the next level, giving it the ability to expand sideways and outwards.

Sold individually without bins or mounts.

What You'll Get

The hexagon is the largest and most versatile kaizen base. All kaizen mounts can be installed onto the Hexagon, with some mounts being able to stack above another. Adding a power bin takes your prop-holding capacity to the next level, giving it the ability to expand sideways and outwards.

You can also add "over-the-top" and "down-low" connectors to expand your prop capacity upwards and downwards. Epic.

Features & Tech Specs

Tech Specs

348mm wide x 303mm tall


Optimize your flowtoys experience ::



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