Thank YOU
Our deepest gratitude to you from the bottom of our hearts. It would be cheesy to say we couldn’t have done it without you. But y’all know, we love cheese – and really, we couldn’t have done it without you.And to think that Flowtoys started because Sean built some cool glow props for himself, and all of YOU kept asking him to make more.
Your support of us as a company and as fellow flow artists; your thoughtful feedback on our products, your posts and #tags of those epic moments with your flowtoys, your sometimes harebrained ideas, the heartfelt emails about how flowtoys changed your lives. We love them all. They nourish us and make our day. They push us to work harder to make the impossible happen. Please don’t stop.
An amazing 10 years
It’s hard to synthesize 10 years of growth as a community and a company into a brief and compelling post. Ten years of adventures, friendships made, epic burns, epic fails, tears, laughter, bliss and divine moments of truth illuminating our paths and purpose. Culminating in the most challenging and eventful year ever!And the learning! 10 years ago neither of us knew a thing about running a business, getting products made, bookkeeping, legal housekeeping, or any of that business stuff. But we had each other, and a mission of illuminating the world and sharing our love of flow.
In 10 years, we made the flowlight – the world’s first rechargeable LED glowstick, creating consciousness around partying with a conscience, and raising awareness on responsible e-waste management. We launched the modular system and the composite system, providing the world with quality props that continue to meet our varying needs and inspire us all to move.
Over the past 10 years, we’ve spread love and light(s) at over 100 festivals, bearing witness to many of you celebrating life and having peak experiences. You have come to us with stories, with joy and sometimes with tears. And always with the positive, contagious energy of those who have been awakened or touched by the flow state, who have seen the light, or at least are really tripped out by the lights
Flowtoys is ten years young!
Tuesday, January 20, 2015 8:21 AM
Posted in flowship enterprise
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