
Flowtoys News :: Community Events :: Social Media

flownews :: get the latest updates

Be the first to know when new flowtoys are released, and get special discounts and tips on how to optimize your flowtoys.

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facebook :: join the conversation

Inspiring flow arts & juggling videos, new flowtoys product launches, invitations to beta programs & flow arts events - our Facebook page keeps you up-to-date on all these and more.

instagram :: peek the behind-the-scenes

Join us behind-the-scenes, travel with us to festivals, follow us through our development process, see videos and new product ideas before they're released - all this and more on Instagram.

youtube :: learn, laugh & get inspired

Top notch inspirational videos, in-depth instructional videos and tips on how to use and optimize your flowtoys, funny flowtoys videos, inspiring interviews with world renown flow artists and jugglers - subscribe to our Youtube channel for high quality media time.

flowspace :: community jams & workshops

The flowspace in Emeryville, California is our headquarters, where we make and deliver the magic. Come check out our retail shop, or attend workshops and free Wednesday jams that open with a free flow arts class.

flowtoys connect tech group

Questions and updates about flowtoys "connect technology" in capsule 2.0 and vision props. Want to know what bugs we're working on, or what's in store for the future? Tips and troubleshooting, sharing new modes and ideas? This is the place.