Toys facilitate play. Toys change and shape our lives.
According to George Leonard, a thought leader in the human potential movement, play is primordial and cannot be explained in terms of other things. Play precedes culture, extending beyond the rational, the abstract, beyond matter. Play is essentially irreducible. Play is whatever absorbs us fully, whatever creates purpose and order, whatever involves us in as much meaningful interaction as possible.
Everyone who sees a flowtoys creation quickly realizes that while they are technically toys, they are so much more. Functionally they fulfill their toy mission to facilitate play and positively impact our lives. Aesthetically and interactively, they are inspired - thoughtfully designed to illuminate our lives in more ways than one. Durable, rechargeable, well-constructed are features that most people understand and require of the stuff in their lives. But why make it beautiful, intuitive and inspiring? Well that's just how we flow.
We believe that attentiveness to these attributes inspires interaction, raises awareness of our surroundings and our connection to other beings, and generally enriches overall quality of life.
Click any of the product pictures below to learn the purpose and inspiration behind our various creations.